Toddler Wars

Stand By Me

I’m not sure about any of you but the older I get the more I cry.

Remember that “crazy world” post where the 38-year-old me is balling her eyes out on the hardwood floor?

Yeah, well it turns out, not so crazy, after all.

As I was shaking & crying in my own existential breakdown I had the wherewithal to ask myself – ‘what would help?’

I love collaborating and working out problems – getting those creative juices flowing – talking things out.

But in that moment – consumed with allll the things – I just wanted someone to stand by.

Someone to say I’m with you and I have plenty of time.

All that other stuff out there – it can wait. This is more important.

No suggestions. No it will get better soon or we’ll figure it out. Not yet.

Deep down I already know it will be alright. I trust the big picture.

But I’m not in that space. Not yet.

This jet is sitting on the runway taking time for necessary repairs – clearing out old crap – so that when it’s time to take off again – it will be a smooth ride.

So, the next time my three year old has a life-is-super-weird-&-hard crash landing, I’ll remember my own process and be better equipped to hold space for his.

Because I know that with crying – with that release of energy – I am clearer and lighter.

I am free. I’m usually hungry.

But I’m free.

Free & open to take the next step. Or at least I will be after I eat.

This helped me see that all we can really do for anyone is stand by. We can give our time, our calm and our patience when flights have been delayed.

Somewhere along the lines in our history books it became weird to have big emotions.

Even though we’re all having them.

They may be buried under who-knows-what but they’re there – hiding in those little kid parts of all of us.

And, I, for one can say that it feels pretty damn good to set them free.

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