Stand By Me

I’m not sure about any of you but the older I get the more I cry. Remember that “crazy world” post where the 38-year-old me is balling her eyes out on the hardwood floor? Yeah, well it turns out, not so crazy, after all. As I was shaking & crying in my own existential breakdown …

Game Changer

Before I had the clarity to just hug my son when he’s crying & whining I tried saying things like, “settle down, use your words – can you ask more politely?” But I only ever saw his little body go further into overload. “Um, actually no, Ma. I can’t. I’m not thinking clearly – I’m …

He’s not usually like this.

It seems we’ve arrived. I’ve been waiting….wondering if my mellow-even-tempered-gentleman of a son might magically skip over the quintessential tantrums and preserve our dying sanity. But no. He’s decided to try crazy on for size and just like his hand-me-down Buster Posey shirt – he’s not taking it off. I’ve seen other kids with the …