My 3.5 year old has officially entered into the magical & wondrous phase I call: “why, though?” He’s constantly putting me on the spot. I’m questioning everything I ever thought I knew as he picks away at my whole existence. *eyes wide* “Uuuuuhhhh, I’m not sure why we have our toilet paper roll facing out. …
Step Two: Trust Your Gut
A twenty-somethings kid came to the door a few months after Amelia was born. Clipboard in hand, kindly requesting my utility bill. I had barely arrived home from the grocery store – slightly frazzled but holding steady. He stood waiting amongst the mountain of food still on the porch listening to my leg-clinging toddler sing …
Step One: Lower the Bar
When I was a kid we played limbo at the Flippo’s skating rink in Morro Bay. I loved the place. Dreaded the game. The claustrophobic concept of lowering the bar until you either crash into it or fall on your ass gave me anxiety. I like my conditions stable. Predictable. Scheduled, organized, prepared & on …